Music therapy has an effect on many areas of one’s functioning. These areas include cognition, physicality, communication, social interaction, and emotional wellness. When someone experiences a stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI), these areas can be impacted greatly, and music therapy can be a method of support as well as rehabilitation. This article states that at the time, there was little research in the stroke and TBI realm, but there were other studies that assessed positive effects for other populations. This article quotes another study in 1992 by MacRae Statine, “Because music is laden with emotional associations and memories, it provides an effective medium for evoking emotional responses. This study…
“Music is a multimodal stimulus that activates many brain structures related to sensory processing, attention, and memory, and can stimulate complex cognition and multi-sensory integration,” (Strzemecka, 2013). This writer from Poland goes on to state several different ways that music is processed in the brain and how stroke affects so many parts of the brain so severely. He then goes on to state that rehabilitation should be addressing several different needs of the patient that are desirable by the patient. Music, not just music therapy, can be used to support patients in their daily lives. Just listening to music on a daily basis can help with memory and attention. Music…