Singing together can promote positive biopsychosocial outcomes in adults who are dealing with a variety of neurological symptoms and issues. When researching these types of benefits and their outcomes, it is important to collect data that reflects qualitative and quantitative information. Viewing a person’s overall wellbeing and quality of life from a biopsychosocial perspective reinforces that a person’s wellbeing isn’t tied to one factor, like health for example. Music is an excellent medium to facilitate focusing on the whole person; not just the social, biological or psychological domains separately, but all together. This study, published in Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, aims to explore the experiences of participants with neurological difficulties in a choral setting.
Music therapy approaches to neurological health are increasingly sought after and can provide social experiences as well as increase the individual group members’ quality of life. There is research to support music therapy being used in this way, with quantitative data showing an increase in quality-of-life ratings. Additionally, there is also qualitative data in the literature that comes from choral participants who perceived improvements to their mental health, wellbeing, and increased social support. The findings of this research article support the findings in existing literature. Participants in this study associated choral singing with increased quality of life and reported enjoying the socialization aspect of group music making. The quantitative data was also consistent. While more research is always needed, it is clear that participants in these groups are reporting positive changes and benefits that they have personally experienced through the use of music.
Did you know that Central Ohio Music Therapy has an established Neurochoir? Check out the choir’s page to learn more: Ohio Health Riverside Hospital’s Dempsey Center Neurochoir | (centralohiomusictherapy.com).
For more information on music therapy, visit our website at www.centralohiomusictherapy.com or the American Music Therapy Association’s website at www.musictherapy.org.
Thompson, J.D., Talmage, A., Jenkins, B., & Purdy, S.C. (2022). Quality of Life for People who Sing. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy.
Josie McCutcheon, MT-BC
Senior Music Therapist
Central Ohio Music Therapy, LLC